Fue in Santo Domingo

1 clinic(s) offering Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) treatment in Santo Domingo
Hair Transplant Institute Dominican Republic Verified

Alba Reyes Sagiv-Skin and Hair Transplant institute ensures that every patient will receive personalized and individual attention from doctor herself. Doctor has trained her entire to staff to the highest medical and professional standards.

FUE in Santo Domingo

Follicular unit extraction FUE is an excellent hair transplant method that intends to harvest individual follicles from the healthy donor area usually either the back or side of the head without using a scalpel or stitches, therefore leaves no visible scars.

Traveling for hair transplant Santo Domingo is a viable option for US hair loss patients seeking an effective, close-to-home hair restoration procedure at an affordable price.

Hair transplant Dominican Republic is one of the most popular Caribbean destinations to achieve natural-looking results and hair fullness for male and female bald patterns.

This hair restoration method is an advanced, minimally-invasive technique designed to enable hair surgeons extract hair follicles from a healthy area and implant new hair into balding to stimulate hair re-growth.

Using FUE Dominican Republic hair transplant is a successful method to remove single hair follicle from the donor area, extracted with the punch then placed in the thinning or bald area, known as recipient site. The procedure is performed under local anesthetic by a specialist hair restoration surgeon in Sano Domingo.

Many patients choose FUE hair transplant technique over follicular unit transplant FUT Santo Domingo, because healing tends to be quicker as only small holes are left by the punch, unlike the strip method of FUT that leaves unsightly scars.

Sights to See in Santo Domingo

Faro a Colon is a delightful site to visit on a lazy Sunday. It was designed by world renowned architect Joe Gleave as a tribute to Christopher Columbus, featuring a 46-meter tall cross made from completely white marble.

El Faro a Colon is home to remains of the explorer since his tomb was moved from the Santa Maria la Menor Cathedral in 1992. The lighthouse illuminates the Christian symbol at night and projects its shadow against the sky. The interiors of the Faro a Colon serve as exhibition room, archives, a library and a museum.

Cost of FUE in Santo Domingo

The reduced cost of FUT Santo Domingo is an appealing factor that keeps hair loss patients flocking to Dominican Republic hair transplant clinics.

The massive amounts of savings made by traveling for hair transplant procedure in Santo Domingo can reach up to 70 per cent when compared to the option of receiving the treatment in the US or Europe.

The over head cost and lower cost of living give Dominican Republic a competitive edge to provide patients low-cost treatment with high quality care.