Vertebroplasty in Spain

1 clinic(s) offering Vertebroplasty treatment in Spain
Barcelona Spine Center Verified

Barcelona Spine Center has over 15 years of experience in spinal surgery combined with innovative knowledge and extensive preparation enable the specialists to come up with the precise diagnosis and offer the most appropriate and the least invasive treatment for each particular spinal problem.

What is Vertebroplasty?

Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive (percutaneous) procedure performed to treat fractures in the vertebrae caused by osteoporosis.


The main purpose of vertebroplasty is to attain reduced pain in the spine caused by weakening of the spine and other symptoms of osteoporosis.


A Good Candidate for Vertebroplasty

A good candidate for verebroplasty are older patients who are suffering from osteoporosis, compression fractures, or weakened vertebrae due to cancer, younger patients who have developed osteoporosis after long-term use of steroid treatment, cigarettes or metabolic disorder, and individuals with malignant tumors on the spine.


Vertebroplasty Procedure

Medical-grade spine cement is inserted into the fractured vertebral body with a tiny needle, filling up the porous areas of the bone.