09/24/2014 | By: Guest Contributor
Hair restoration surgery can have a significant impact on one's self-esteem and appearance. With today's meticulous techniques and the expertise of hair restoration services abroad, surgery looks entirely natural.
Patients suffering with hair loss have the opportunity for change — as hair loss surgeons in Thailand are helping men and women create a more youthful and healthier appearance.
Hair transplant clinics in Thailand are in the spotlight for providing stunning surgical results in modernized facilities in Bangkok. The surgeons and doctors are internationally credentialed and accredited in their field and communicate closely with a team of specialists to provide hair loss patients the highest quality of care.
Spotlight — The Hair Transplantation Center of Dr. Pichet Rodchareon
Under the direct guidance of world-renowned surgeon, the Hair Transplantation Center of Dr. Pichet Rodchareon, beholds one of Thailand’s top aesthetic surgical teams.
At Bangkok Plastic Surgery Clinic, Dr. Pichet and his well-trained staffs are committed to providing quality care and concern for the individual, while maintaining integrity in every aspect of our interaction with their patients - in turn offering cost-friendly procedures. We are dedicated our knowledge and experience to help you achieve aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking results.
Why Men are Going Balder Younger
Are you losing your hair and your confidence? University of Pennsylvania researcher, Dr. Albert Mannes, states, “Thick hair has always been associated with youth and masculinity. Hair loss signals aging.”
As a result of genetics, nearly two-thirds of men suffer from hair loss by age 35. Male-pattern baldness is an inherited sensitivity to DHT (a by-product of testosterone), which leads to finer hair, a retreating hairline, and eventually a deserted scalp.
Hair Loss Tips from around the Globe
- Find the Cause
If your hair is only on the sides and middle top of your head, the bare areas form the letter M (as in male-pattern baldness). But thinning that spreads across your scalp and not to your crown or temples often indicates an underlying health issue. “Hormonal or nutritional deficiencies, such as thyroid problems, low iron, or low protein, can cause shedding,” stated Carolyn Jacob, M.D., the Founder of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.
- Side with Science
“Be wary of infomercials or Internet ads touting hair-growing shampoos or pills,” cautioned Marc Glashofer, M.D., a dermatologist in Long Beach, New York, specializing in hair loss. “Most haven’t been clinically studied and are usually a waste of your money. Stick with the drugs that have been green-lighted by the FDA.”
- Eat Healthier
Give yourself a head start by eating a healthy diet. Skipping fried foods can reduce oil-gland activity, slowing the switch from T to DHT, according to researchers from India. Got a sweet tooth? Be careful. The insulin flood from consuming a lot of sugar can trigger the release of testosterone, making it available for conversion to DHT.
- Hair Transplant Surgery
Today, hair transplant is helping men and women feel and look better than ever before. Surgical treatment, such as FUE and FUT, is an option that involves the artistry and science of some of the world’s best hair loss surgeons.
“For the past several years, we’ve performed FUE in more than 95 percent of cases,” states Alan Bauman, M.D., and hair-loss specialist in Boca Raton, Florida. “It’s a shorter, less-painful recovery and completely eliminates linear scarring along the back of the head.”
To learn more about hair loss treatments, find a hair transplant clinic near you.